My Quarantine Photo Diary, a collection of intimate wildlife and wildflower photographs taken near my home during The Great Pause, was on display in my city's civic center for January-February 2021. My goal is to share how w1atching nature continue to emerge, change, and bloom, just as it always has, has given me hope that our world will heal someday soon.
Virtual Gallery Tour: If you missed seeing the collection in person, I made you a virtual gallery tour to enjoy for ten minutes with your favorite music and a relaxing beverage.
I'm looking for experiences to capture with my camera that thrill my eye and fill my heart. I'm looking for cool gigs with interesting people. I'm looking to make photos from those experiences that capture the essence of a place, a structure, or a person at just the right moment. I have a hunger and curiosity that makes me revel in new experiences. I get jazzed seeing, participating in, and as a photographer, capturing experiences to recall again and again. Whether my subject is a person or a building, I love showcasing each subject's unique qualities, capturing the details in fine handiwork, and the revealing each individual's character and spark.
I believe in making photos that make people feel good which translates to careful captures and attentive edits.
In this digital age, we can make and share many images so quickly. For me, the making is about the actual interaction with the subject - the experience of taking the photo followed by the fun of selecting and editing of that ONE special photograph to print, frame, and display. As much as I love the finale of a finishing the photo, it is the process that brings me thrills.
I look forward to many more years of my eyes seeing and my camera capturing.
Below is a gallery of some of my favorite portraits I'm happy to share with you.