Ideas for projects have come to me fully formed throughout my life. I can't just decide I'm going to do something cool without a mission in mind. Like when the art teacher gives a demonstration, points to all the materials, and directs the class to make something cool? Usually, I just muddled my way through assignments like that. My creative projects have come to me in dreams (which is why I value morning sleep so much). Sometimes, one image or experience has sparked an idea. I let my intuition speak to me and the project, medium, or subject conveys to me what's next.
Photography passion projects come to me in that spontaneous, Aha!-moment way.
The Musicians' Portrait Sessionswere sparked by one photo of a teen boy with his tuba in an old school hallway. He looked so cool. As in Rolling Stone cool or Vanity Fair cool. I knew the moment I saw him that I wanted to make cool photos of adult musicians in a way they'd never been represented before.
My Quarantine Photo Diary started out as simply a way to take my focus off the emerging pandemic in early 2020 by zooming in on the natural environment right outside my home. I had always said I wanted to spend more time in my house during the daylight. I used to wish for a 36-hour day to accomplish all the things I wanted to do. The quarantine time provided those opportunities to be still, focus, really see, and make photographs. After a few months, I realized I had a collection from which emerged a solo art exhibit.
My next passion project is still in formation. It popped in my head while looking at the paintings in the Getty museum collection in Los Angeles. I can't wait to start making those photos, and eventually, to share them!